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Across the Commonwealth, students have two primary opportunities to graduate high school with college credit: dual credit courses or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Dual credit courses are offered through a partnership between a postsecondary institution and a high school and [...]
Written by: Aaron Butler, Lauren Milam, and Marty Parks When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down schools across Kentucky in 2020, one question rose to the highest priority level: do students have access to the internet at home so we [...]
Last week, we presented a data talk with Campbell County Schools board member Kim Fender at the Kentucky School Boards Assocation Winter Symposium in Lousiville. The presentation 10 Kentucky Education Stats Every School Board Member Should Know highlighted important statistics [...]
At this moment, it is critically important that we turn our attention to the well-being of educators and students. The pandemic brought with it anxiety, disruption, and uncertainty and exacerbated the anxiety that was already present in schools. Collectively, [...]
Increasing teacher diversity is one of the 13 strategic goals Commissioner Dr. Jason Glass set to advance student learning across the Commonwealth. The research literature is clear that all students benefit academically and socially from having teachers of color. Studies [...]
By: Lauren Milam, Kentucky Department of Education In August 2021 the New York Times published a piece about the “pandemic exodus” from public schools. In their nationwide study they found that enrollment in schools had dropped, particularly among students in [...]
In Spring 2021 the Kentucky Board of Education charged Commissioner Jason E. Glass with setting ambitious goals to advance student learning across the Commonwealth. So, in coordination with the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE), the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) [...]
Welcome to Learning with KY Data! At the Kentucky Department of Education, we have a team of individuals dedicated to using data to support the creation and ongoing implementation of the Commissioner's strategic plan. This presents a unique opportunity to [...]